TAG meeting next Thursday
April 20th
at El Azul Restaurant
(old Dragon Pit restaurant)
5pm supper, 6pm meeting
now Thursday, Feb. 23 (2/18 meeting rescheduled due to tornado warnings)
Supper 5pm
Meeting 6pm
329 Wheeler Lane, first driveway on the right on Hwy 297 (after turning off Hwy 154).
in Backroom.
We suggest you come by 5pm to eat, and the meeting will start at 6pm in the back room. Turn right coming in the front door.
TAG will meet here for the next couple of months waiting for the new owners of what was the Dragon Pit to reopen. This current location will not be available when summer arrives, which is approximately April/May. Then again, Who knows? Things change.
AGENDA: (not necessarily in this order)
1. How ya doin’ with Ham radio studies? Hm? /
2. Discuss– Tour of the capitol. Dates, transportation, costs.
3. Movie marathons.
4. Voting Integrity and local rep. Pulling on threads.
5. Noises on defunding education in TN.
6. Current bills of interest during 2023 Sessions. Same bills, new stories.
7. Recap of trip to Nashville Wed. Feb 15th
8. Gary J. will share about his trip to Nashville with TN Firearm rep John Paul on Tues. Feb 14, re 2nd Amend.
9. Open mike, what’s on YOUR mind? The floor is YOURS.
It is PRIME RIB night at Freddie’s. You MUST make your own reservation to get Prime Rib. Otherwise, you can sit in the back room and order off the menu.
***PLEASE MAKE YOUR OWN DINNER RESERVATIONS AHEAD FOR PRIME RIB ONLY Call 931-879-3733 between 11 am and 2 pm ***
The Dec 15 monthly meeting has been canceled. Be sure not to miss the January 19 meeting.