TAG News & Announcements

Protect Your Gun Rights! Sign the Petition to Fentress County State Reps.


Friday 10 am-5 pm and Saturday 9 am-5pm
  • NEXT TENT DAYS: July 21 & 22

Tennessee Action Group (TAG) was at the Historic Courthouse downtown Jamestown – Friday and Saturday, June 21 & 22.

Sign the Petition to Fentress County state representatives opposing Red Flag Laws (under any name including “protection orders”.) Governor Lee has called a Special Sessions of the legislature on August 21 to address new gun laws.
There will be music, food and drawings to win prizes. (To enter the drawing, you need to take the Constitution Quiz.)
The petition asks that our state representatives reject any bills that are unconstitutional regarding our 2nd Amendment and Article 1 Section 26 of the TN Constitution.

TAG Meeting JUNE 15th!

Monthly Meeting will be held at the El Azul Restaurant, (old Dragon Pit restaurant), 5pm supper, 6pm meeting

TAG also has a new campaign for the summer: 
TENT DAYS to expand our subject base on the national issues that are affecting Tennessee: 
Agenda 2030, the U.N. agenda, the W.H.O and, the Great Reset with the WEF- World Economic Forum. 


TAGs new tent. (Think anyone will notice?)
We will set up at the courthouse. More info at the meeting.
***TENT DAYS *** Outreach to Jamestown
Remember:  Supper at 5pm IN THE BACKROOM
                          MEETING at 6pm IN THE BACKROOM

TAG Meeting Thurs. April 20

TAG meeting next Thursday
April 20th
at El Azul Restaurant
(old Dragon Pit restaurant)
5pm supper, 6pm meeting

See “The Real Story of Jan. 6” this Sat. March 25

Next Movie Night is this Saturday, March 25, 6:30-8:30 pm at the Jamestown Community Center. Showing documentary “The Real Story of January 6.” Free to the community! Free refreshments.

March Meeting Thursday 3/23

Thursday, March 23rd
Supper 5pm, Meeting 6pm
In the backroom.

GUEST SPEAKER DAVID TULIS – Editor of TNtrafficticket.us, an effort in entrepreneurial journalism in the Chattanooga, Tenn., area exploring the interests of Christianity and its many fruits — spiritual, cultural, economic and legal.

TAG testifies on Capitol Hill FOR HB1045 to Close the Primaries

Click on video to view. TAG testimony starts at 26:30
Remarks transcript included below.

Remarks to Elections and Campaign Finance Committee March 1:

Chairman Rudd, committee members….. My name is Anne Featherston. I am a resident of Fenterss County, and House District 38. and I am the founder of Tennessee Action Group of Fentress Co, a grassroots group formed 2 years ago of constitutional patriots who figured out the best defense against the federal debacle was to engage on multiple levels to protect the citizens and sovereignty of Tenneessee.

The first research I came across in March of 2021 was Trevor Loudon’s opinion article on, ‘9 ‘Starter Steps’ to Save America from Socialism. ”  He lists as #4– “Close the Republican Primaries.” (1) He calls this a “no-brainer” Why? Because open primaries can lead to an opportunity to “vote in the weakest candidate.”

We could have seen that happen nationally in 2022 when Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney publically solicited Democratic voters to vote for her in the Republican primaries. (2)

Last year the NY Times also reported “Democrats SURGE into GOP Primaries,” when Colorado Democratic voters admitted to registering as unaffiliated to vote against Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert. (3)

Considering the last 3 years, it seems there is little beyond the realm of possibility, and perhaps Tennessee could face a potential “surge” some day. So, in Section 5 of this bill, there is an option for either party in the “call for election” to decide whether to allow unaffiliated voters to vote in a particular primary.

Now, we may not have had a “surge” yet, but there are reports of “ripples”….

In 2013, the Tennessee Star newspaper reported on a “radical left organization” distributing a literature
piece targeting Tennessee Democrats to vote for a particular Republican legislative candidate because he supported their agenda. (4) And it happened again in 2022. (5)

Open primaries can dilute the vote.

This bill has been repeatedly introduced to the General Assembly.

2018: GOP Chair of Williamson County, in supporting a similar bill, said, “It’s a little disingenuous to allow someone to select a candidate for a party they don’t identify with and who they will not vote for in the general election. Just like Alabama doesn’t let Tennessee pick its head coach.”(6)

2019: This Elections committee approved HB 1273 on closing primaries and, at that time Tennessee’s own Republican Party State Executive Committee passed an “overwhelming” vote to close our primaries.(7) And did so again in 2022.

In 2022 a survey by Tennessee Conservative News, with a circulation of 18K and social media following of over 50K, saw 97% of respondents, indicating they want to close the primaries. (8)

According to the TN constitution as I understand it, our legislators ‘rule’ Tennessee according to, and by, the ‘will of the people.’

The people ask you to support this bill. Thank you.

1- https://www.trevorloudon.com/2021/03/opinion-a-new-zealanders-9-starter-steps-to-save-america-from-socialism/
2- https://thehill.com/news/campaign/3534910-cheney-urging-wyoming-democrats-to-switch-parties-to-=vote-for-her-in-primary/
3- https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/06/22/us/midterm-primary-elections
4- https://tennesseestar.com/2022/07/13/radical-leftist-organization-distributes-mailer-encouraging-democrats-to-vote-for-jeff-eby-in-house-district-69-gop-primary/
5- https://tennesseeconservativenews.com/tennessee-education-association-encourages-crossover-raiding-by-democrat-voters-supporting-incumbent-senator-briggs/
6- https://tennesseestar.com/2018/03/17/bill-to-close-tennessees-primaries-gains-steam/
7- https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2019/02/20/tennessee-elections-bill-close-primaries-require-voter-registration-party-advances/2926847002/
8- https://tennesseeconservativenews.com/almost-98-of-tennessee-republican-primary-voters-believe-open-primaries-should-be-closed/

Free Movie, The Real Dr. Fauci

Showing at the Jamestown Community Center
Saturday February 25, 2023, 6:30-8:30 pm

TAG continues its Movie Marathon with the final 2 hours of the documentary, “The Real Dr. Fauci.” Based on the best selling book by Robert Kennedy, Jr. the film closely examines Fauci’s relationship, and influence, on government policy and the pharmaceutical industry.

FREE to the public • Complimentary snacks

6:30-8:30 pm
Saturday Movie Marathon
Jamestown Community Center
629 N Main St
Jamestown TN 38556
(near Alvin C. York High School)

Feb. Meeting now Thurs., 2/23!


now Thursday, Feb. 23 (2/18 meeting rescheduled due to tornado warnings)
Supper 5pm
Meeting 6pm

329 Wheeler Lane, first driveway on the right  on Hwy 297 (after turning off Hwy 154).
in Backroom.

We suggest you come by 5pm to eat, and the meeting will start at 6pm in the back room. Turn right coming in the front door. 

TAG will meet here for the next couple of months waiting for the new owners of what was the Dragon Pit to reopen. This current location will not be available when summer arrives, which is approximately April/May. Then again, Who knows? Things change.  

AGENDA: (not necessarily in this order)

1.  How ya doin’ with Ham radio studies? Hm? /

2. Discuss– Tour of the capitol. Dates, transportation, costs.  

3. Movie marathons.

4. Voting Integrity and local rep. Pulling on threads.  

5. Noises on defunding education in TN.

6. Current bills of interest during 2023 Sessions. Same bills, new stories.

7. Recap of trip to Nashville Wed. Feb 15th

8. Gary J. will share about his trip to Nashville with TN Firearm rep John Paul on Tues. Feb 14, re 2nd Amend.
9. Open mike, what’s on YOUR mind? The floor is YOURS.

It is PRIME RIB night at Freddie’s. You MUST make your own reservation to get Prime Rib. Otherwise, you can sit in the back room and order off the menu.

***PLEASE MAKE YOUR OWN DINNER RESERVATIONS AHEAD FOR PRIME RIB ONLY Call 931-879-3733 between 11 am and 2 pm ***

Jan 28 Movie Marathon

TAG is offering “The Real Dr. Fauci,” movie, 2-part movie, at the Historic Fentress County Courthouse on January 28.

Offered free to the public, shown TWO times the same day, 12-4 pm. Come and go anytime during the day and see it all.

Based on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s best-selling book, the film closely examines Fauci’s relationship, and influence, on government policy and the pharmaceutical industry.

December 15 Meeting Canceled

The Dec 15 monthly meeting has been canceled. Be sure not to miss the January 19 meeting.

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